Alexander and I met in November 2008, at the testing center. We both happened to be taking exams the same Thursday evening, when the fire alarm went off. For those of you unfamiliar with the testing center, this is not a place where a fire drill is normal. After the fire alarm had been going off for some time, the employees reluctantly instructed us to put our exams in a pile and evacuate the building.
After evacuating the building, I found myself standing next to a tall, skinny, handsome young man, who I decided to strike up a conversation with. I found out he was studying civil engineering (yes!) and that his name was Alexander, and that he was from Albuquerque. We chatted about the unfortunate fire alarm and what tests we were taking. Soon enough, we were allowed back into the building to resume our miserable exams. The proctor handed them out by name, and I paid close attention so that I could get this cute boy's whole name and perhaps facebook stalk him. This did indeed work, and after the exam, I was successful in finding Alexander.
I did not, however, attempt to contact him. It was obvious that he was involved with another girl, and that they were definitely dating. So I didn't do anything, except remember his name every time I took a test, and facebook stalk him to see if I could discern whether or not he was still involved with said female.
Months later, in March, after a test, I decided that I had little to lose and that I was going to send Alexander a message. It said the following:
a long time ago, the fire alarm went off in the testing center. i think we chatted for a few minutes outside until we got to go back in and finish our exams. i know this is silly, but i still remember your name from when they were handing back the exams.
anyways, ever since then i've been wanting to get in touch with you and perhaps get to know you better. that's probably a little weird, and i won't be surprised if you don't respond. however, i hope that maybe you aren't too weirded out by this and that we could meet again and eat jdawgs or something.
peace out,
I was surprised when I was met with a friend request and a suggestion that we do lunch or dinner the following day. It happened that, despite taking the semester off to go to Egypt for two weeks and moving back to NM for the other part of the semester, Alexander happened to be in Provo visiting when I sent him the message. We met after devotional the next day and had a somewhat awkward lunch at the Cougareat. We saw each other a few more times on his trip to Provo, and by the end of his trip, I was positive I wanted to date this boy. I was also sure that he was interested in me too, but he was going to be in New Mexico for three weeks before he returned to Utah for the Spring term.
Yay! I've been waiting for this story for so long! All Alex told us (me, Jennifer, and Becky) was that he met a girl at the testing center during a fire drill and now he was getting married to her. So it's good to finally hear the story!