Friday, December 2, 2011

Anna--Month 4

Anna is growing up so fast. We went to her four month appointment yesterday, and Dr. Porter says that she's doing great! She is 14 lbs 7 oz and 25.5 inches.

This month, Anna:
Met all of her cousins on the Lovett side of the family, and her Lovett grandparents.
Visited 2 new states: Kansas and Oklahoma.
Went to Amish country.
Gave mommy and daddy her first really belly laugh (we're just waiting for the encore--we haven't gotten another laugh since).
Learned how to yank her toys off of her play-gym. One of her cousins rigged it so that the c-ring was sideways so that the toy can be yanked off of it. Now, Anna won't play with it if she can't yank the guy off and chew on it.
Started chewing on everything she could get her hands on, including her plain ol' hands. Her favorite things to chew on are her hands and the toy cardinal on her play gym.
Pushes up on her arms and scoots herself in a little circle.
Smiles a lot (although she doesn't like to smile for the camera--when I'm set to take pictures of her cheerful self, she gets all serious and mostly just stares at the camera like it's scary).
Was given a name and a blessing by her father.
Still loves the bath and is getting to big for the bathroom sink.
Refuses to sleep unswaddled--she is too busy hitting herself in the face.

okay, on to some pictures.

Anna with Grandma and Grandpa Lovett, Dad, and Mom

Anna in her blessing dress. I use this picture to demonstrate her HUGE eyelashes.

Anna smiling at her silly  mom.

pretty little girl in a big poofy dress.

She loves to sit in the bumbo and watch me walk around the kitchen getting dinner ready.

smiley baby!

Although she smiles a lot, this is her default. Fingers in mouth, looking around.

huh? also, i LOVE these panda jammies.

hi mom!

precious baby toes

and precious baby fingers.

trying to fit them all in at the same time.

she learned how to stick her tongue out and now thinks it's a hilarious joke when she does it.

my baby. <3

Monday, November 7, 2011

Anna is 3 months!

Hello everyone! Anna turned three months last weekend! My in-laws visited this weekend so I am finally getting around to posting some pics from her third month.

 Anna's happy face greeting me in the morning--she is SO excited when someone comes to get her from her crib in the morning or after naptime.

 More smiles from the happy girl

This is her favorite place to nap--snuggled up with mom!

smiley girl!

Anna and her friend, Lincoln. He is 9 weeks younger than Anna.

Love tummy time!

The weather is turning colder and Anna looks adorable dressed up to go outside.

Anna and daddy playing. She loves "talking" to him and the funny noises he makes.

getting big and showing off her cloth diaper!

Anna dressed up as a snowflake for halloween--it was a hit.

After bathtime. Baths really help her calm down so she can go to sleep.


Anna is a drooler! 

More of Anna's personality shows up all the time. She is really aware of what is going on and very trusting. She does not like to be left alone and will often just look around to make sure someone is there with her. If someone isn't there, she'll squawk until someone comes, and then coo and smile when she sees you. She loved having grandma and grandpa Lovett come visit and especially loved playing with grandma. She is happy and very easy-going, and we couldn't ask for a better baby!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Anna--2 months

Anna is 2 months old! Before I share pics from her second month, I want to sneak one in from her first month--it's our first family photo, with Anna being 11 days old.

 Anna with mommy and adoring daddy. 11 days old

And now on to the pictures from her second month. I've left out a lot, (you can thank me later) but I think I got the best ones! A little about her second month. At the beginning of her second month, she weighed 9 lbs 12 oz. At the end, she weighed 11 lbs 14 oz. She has a little rash on her face, which comes and goes, but usually doesn't look too awful. She started smiling at about 5 weeks, and now she is smiling a lot. She is very smiley in the mornings and when getting her diaper changed. She also smiles big when daddy comes home from school. 

She has learned to make noises that aren't crying, and loves to have conversations with both Alexander and I. She coos and we interpret it as we wish. Sometimes she says some pretty crazy things, like that she wants to go to Disney World soon! She loves her play mat/gym and gets really excited about the toys that hang down from it--a ladybug, a cardinal, and a duck. She kicks her legs and coos at them as she bats them randomly. She likes tummy time and is getting really good at holding her head up to look around and pushing with her arms. 

She is very alert and awake. She loves to just look around and see what's going on. She hates going to sleep because I think she feels left out. She is, however, sleeping really well--usually from about 10 pm to 7 am. It is really nice to get all that sleep!

September 3, 2011. 5 weeks

September 5, 2011. 5 weeks 2 days.

 September 11, 2011. 6 weeks 1 day

September 13, 2011. 6 weeks 3 days 

September 17, 2011. 7 weeks

September 18, 2011. 7 weeks 1 day 

September 24, 2011. 8 weeks

September 29, 2011. 8 weeks 5 days 

September 30, 2011. 8 weeks 6 days 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

the good stuff.

here's an update for y'all
  • we made it to Illinois! yay! we have a nice apartment and we live in a good part of town.
  • we welcomed Anna into the world on July 30, 2011!
  • this is, of course, why i'm sure you visited our blog, so we'll get to the good stuff: the pictures of Anna.
Anna's first encounter with Mommy. 3:20 am. after 25 hours of labor.

Anna's first encounter with a scale. She doesn't seem to care for it too much.
Anna's first encounter with Daddy. she seems to like him just fine.

16 hours old and starting to look less like an alien.

Anna and mom, 4 days old
8 days old.
Anna and grandma Flo, 9 days old
17 days old
Aunt Patti visits, 25 days old
Anna likes the bath, 4 weeks old

Daddy and Anna, 1 month old

Anna smiles, 5 weeks old